Spring cleaning should begin with gutter cleaning this year. April and May mean spring showers. In 2018 Indianapolis saw a little over 5 inches of rain and in 2019 Indianapolis saw a little over 4 inches of rain. That is a lot of water. If you have not prepared for the rains, there is a potential for problems.
Gutters and downspouts clogged with leaves and other debris from this past fall may turn into a big problem this spring. Twigs, leaves and roofing granules can accumulate inside the gutter and stop rainwater from properly draining. Without the ability for water to freely flow, water will overflow back onto your roof, behind the gutter, on to the ground, hitting your foundation and potentially causing serious damage to your home.
What damage could ensue? Roof damage and soffit damage are the two most common items that we see time after time. Water filled gutters will overflow water soaking wood, starting the rotting process. Wet wood has the potential of mold growth and health problems. Water can start finding its way into the interior of a home and rot can start within the walls.
Regular gutter maintenance will extend the life of your roofing all the way down to the ground.
Excess moisture attracts wild animals and insects. The optimal time for cleaning is late fall and early spring. Winter may almost be over but one thing is for sure. We are going to get plenty of rain this spring.
Regular gutter and downspout cleaning will keep water flowing so it cannot damage your home. Spring cleaning should begin with gutter cleaning this year.
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