Install a rain garden on your property. It’s your personal contribution to cleaner water and it will give purpose to the water which is diverted from the roof. The EPA, Environmental Protection Agency has a great resource for rain gardens.
So you’ve just cleaned and repaired your rain gutters. You know the amount of water that gutters collect during a storm. So why not put those gutters to work for you?
The wild flowers, vegetables and other vegetation which comprise a rain garden soak up the rain water from the roof. When the downspouts disburse the water, the dampness is used to promote healthier living. With cities and suburbs growing, a rain garden helps to replace vegetation which was once displaced with new purpose. While an individual garden seems like a small deal, collectively, when you and your fellow citizens join in, you are helping to improve Mother Nature.
Take a look at this how-to manual for homeowners and give it some thought. Go to: Put your gutters and downspouts to work for a better environment and community. as a rain garden is your personal contribution to cleaner water and it will give purpose to the water which is diverted from the roof.
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